Friday, December 14, 2007

So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish...

Good Day All.

Well, we've successfully reached the end of another semester, and we've learned so much about the workings of Vista during this time.

Thanks to your feedback and comments, I was able to become more acquainted toward the full range of things Vista is capable of. Now, I have enough grounding as a result, allowing me to puzzle more complex settings and features that Vista can hold.

May the rest of you have luck in your endeavors as well.


Alternative Operating Systems

Hello All!

We've had an excellent semester learning about Vista, but we all know that there are other types of operating systems other than Vista as options open for perusal by the user. For example, two readily come to mind: MacOS and Linux.

MacOS is a rival to Vista in terms of stability and features, as well as accessibility and custom options. The various attachments that come with extras (such as a "time machine" feature for the recycle bin) are well worth examining as well. However, it does cost a good chunk of change for such stability.

Which brings us to Linux, a free-source, bare-bones operating system that can run a computer without all the uneeded extras. It also is unique in the fact that one can tweak and reprogram it to their needs and their hearts delight. There is one provision for all this, though; if one reprograms a whole new feature, it must beshared amongst all Linux users.

Hope the info helps!


Computer Health Results

Hello All!
Just wanted to show the results of my computer health test: we are a-okay over here, no anomalies or errors to report!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Performance Tweaks

Hello All!

Today, I played around with the performance settings within windows to see what would happen, and found three settings that one can use:

Performance: adjusts computer settings for optimum performance

Appearance: adjusts setings for maximum display settings

Custom: user-selected combination of settings. Risky if you do not know what you're doing.

I decided that the best roue for me would be to maintain default settings for now.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Performance Postings

Hey All!

This entry will dialog three diagnostic tools Vista employs to protect itself from errors: ScanDisk, DiskDefragment, and Disk Backup. Included are a few screenshots to show these features off. One was copied by accident.
ScanDisk is a utility which can be activated at start-up to search your file extensions and archives for any errors that may exist (during start-up, screencapture is unfortunately disabled).
DiskDefragment solves the problem of slow file access via the reorganization of files, so as to streamline the process of file access and overall computer speed issues.
Backup allows you to save a copy of your system files so that you may be prepared for the possibility of fatal errors; just reinstall the backup, and you're set.
The results: my computer and I are ready for anything.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Bun of RUN!

Konnichiwa All!

Today, I take a break from Finals panic-mode to tell you of the function I found with the Run command function.

Though there is many a command that can accomplish an interesting effect within Vista, I find the most simple to be the most amazing: "cmd".

From this simple letter string, a user may enter any command that he may wish and set off a chain reaction within their system; it is quite literally the starting domino of a complicated chain reaction.

While it may be simple, it would do well to not underestimate the importance it holds to the core operations of the system.
