Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Few Favorite Blogs

Hello All!

Today, I have found a few blogs that I have an interest in. Just thought I'd go ahead and share some woth you. Who knows maybe you'll see something you'll like...
A Blog maintained by a veteran gamer, he really goes in-depth with his opinions and criticism on games in today's society.
Years ago, DOOM was a gaming phenomenon, bringing the first real attention to the possibilities that the genre of first-person shooter. Now, It is just as popular, leading many sites (or blog, in this case) to keep up with new development with the series. This Blog, in particular, is a good source for all things DOOM, with more features than you could shake a boomstick at.
This Blog is quite unique; rather than being assumedly focused on LEGOS, this online diary catalogues the continuing life of a LEGO fan, with both present happenings and heartfelt rememberances. It seems to inspire a sense of nostalgia when read.


1 comment:

Patricia said...

Wow! It seems I don't even have time to finish my homework and yet you have time read blog sites that arn't part of the homework. I want your energy!