Saturday, May 10, 2008

Blog Reviews Part 2

Hello All!

Today, we'll unwind with some blog reviews: :

There's a good chance that one has heard news of the Elder Scrolls series - but what of the people who create them? At this site, the focus is on that group of people whio started it all - the Bethesda software developers and programmers. Here, you may read what their current hobbies are, and read interviews with team members. Very good for those interested in the annals of game development.

The focus here is more on the mainstream electronics and programs, as well as the issues pervading within the game industry; thus , the site seeks to cover as much ground as it can concerning the video game and computer industry. However, with this broad expanse of information comes a decrease in focus on any one topic; still a good site to use if you wish to get up to speed on the major happenings. :

The focus of this site is the writer's experiences with the varios games, online and offline, that he has played and his impressions of them. His personal way of addressing his likes and dislikes on the topic at hand cannot help but strike the reader as friendly - as if one was right with him, with him addressing you in everyday close conversation. This familiarity is possibly his greatest strength, and he backs it up with sage insight and cutting critism for the subject at hand, leaving very little need for improvement. A truly excellent blog.


1 comment:

Wilhelm2451 said...

Thank you for the kind words!