Friday, September 7, 2007


To all who read this;

Hello, my name is Enyal. I shall be using this blogspace as a means to track my progress in learning Windows Vista; considering that this Microsoft operating system was built from the ground up for much different reasons as, say, its predecessors, the very beginning of this class may prove to be a rocky start.

What attracted me to this class was the need to understand the direction that technology was moving in regards to the home computer: if Vista was to be the next big step in operating systems, it would be wise to begin learning of the capabilities and limits of such a program. At this point, I may be relatively unfamiliar with Vista's inner workings; however, with enough study and practice with course materials and texts, I should be able to refine my inexperience into knowledge concerning the intricate working of this operating system.

That does not necessarily mean I haven't had prior experience with computers; not only have I had previous UAF courses in C+ and Computer History, I also possess a small understanding of HTML functions and web page coding. With this prior knowledge, I hope I may be successful in my endeavors concerning this class.

1 comment:

Bernard Von Poobely said...

Welcome! I hope you find this course both challenging and interesting. :)